Wendy Weickelt L.M.T.
(928) 606-1712
Relaxing, Balancing, Healing Massage in Flagstaff
Wendy Weickelt LMT Professional Massage Therapy
A gentle massage that works on deeper levels.
Offering deeply relaxing therapeutic bodywork to nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Providing a safe space just to be you, experience the experience, let go of what you don’t need or want, and move to a place of greater ease and vitality.
I offer a gentle Swedish massage tailored to your specific needs that day, and incorporate elements of Polarity, cranial-sacral, and thalmotherapy into every treatment.
I pay particular attention to the vagus nerve and its role in relaxation and relief from chronic stress and dis-ease.
Excellent for relieving stress and anxiety, insomnia, migraines, muscle tension and pain, fibromyalgia, whiplash, and more.
A gentle yet deeply healing experience.
Call or text: 928-606-1712 to book.

A main goal of most of my bodywork sessions…
… is to bring balance and greater flexibility into a person’s body, especially their nervous system. Let’s bring your entire personhood, including your mind, body, emotions, and spirit, back to a state of relaxed contentment, enjoyment, and interaction, your (and every human’s) natural state of being.
What My Clients Say...
I just wanted to say thank you! I feel so much better after the massage yesterday. You truly are the best!
R. A.Flagstaff
There’s a certain subtlety in your approach that I love. I find myself drawn more and more into the experience.
G. G.Flagstaff